Thursday, November 03, 2005

From the mouth of babes

We were sitting at the dinner table tonight playing a game of 20 questions, when Gavin stopped the game, mid-guess, to tell us about what he had learned in school today. I think I may need to send a note to the teacher and ask what exactly she's teaching them if what Gavin said is accurate. Here was the history leason he gave us...

Back in the olden days, when the dinosaurs walked the earth, the Chinese people lived here in our town and in our houses. The chinese people just at Chinese food and Chinese dogs. (Apparently just Chinese dogs). So one day the Chinese people were outside cooking their dogs for dinner when the dinosaurs came and started eating all the people. This is why we, Americans, live here now and not the Chinese people.

So there you have it! Not sure what all the Chinese Americans would think of Gavin's history lesson but it made me laugh.

Artistic Photo's

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Finally caught the Smile!!

I was so excited to finally get Braidon to smile for the camera. Most of them I snuck while he was happily dreaming but either way...I got them! I swear he melts my heart every time I look at him.